Semana Mundial de la Inmunización: poner de relieve la importancia de las vacunas durante la pandemia de COVID-19

World Immunization Week is celebrated the last week of April and aims to promote the use of vaccines to protect those of all ages against diseases. Each and every year, millions of lives are saved due to vaccines, and immunizations are recognized as one of the most cost-effective health interventions.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the importance of vaccines to the forefront of public health on a global scale. We are all interested how quickly vaccines can be produced and what all is involved.

How does a vaccine work?

Vaccines work to give you immunity to a disease or illness without actually causing the illness. They are made up of a killed or weakened version of the disease causing germ or parts of the germ (antigens). Vaccines work with your body’s natural defenses to build protection. Since our immune system is designed to remember, if you are exposed to the germ in the future, your immune system then knows to destroy the germ before it makes you sick.

What does the process look like for new vaccine approvals?

You have probably been hearing a lot of information in the news lately regarding vaccine timeline approvals due to the dire need to find a treatment for COVID-19. Typically, it can take a number of years for approvals for new therapies. This accounts for the time is takes to go through 3 phases of research to make sure that the therapy is safe and effective to be distributed for use to the public.  The FDA does have a fast-track status that is designed to expedite the review of drugs to meet an unmet medical need for serious conditions. You can read more about that here.

What diseases do vaccines prevent?

Vaccines protect against many different diseases including: Measles, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Polio, Rabies, Rubella, and Meningitis. Many other vaccines are currently being developed thanks to research.

How do I get involved in vaccine research?

Evolution Research Group conducts clinical trials in a multitude of therapeutic areas. To learn more about how you can participate in our upcoming studies, please browse our current and upcoming studies for the location you prefer.

Participants may see a doctor or medical staff, have access to study-related medication, and may receive compensation for time and travel.

Español de México