
Understanding Alzheimer’s: A Guide for Brain Awareness Month 2024

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, advocating for the brain’s health, and supporting those affected by these conditions. This month, we delve into what Alzheimer’s is, its impact on individuals and families, and how we can all contribute to raising awareness and …

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May is Mental Health Month

Research Group (ERG) as we spread awareness, education, and resources about #mentalhealthy! Wear green for the month of May to show your support and create awareness! Maintaining good mental health is essential to every individual’s overall health and well-being. Mental health conditions are common, manageable, and treatable. One in 5 people will experience a mental …

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Heated tobacco products - what are they? Find out in our blog.

The Bottom Line on Heated Tobacco

Heated tobacco products are rapidly becoming more prevalent among cigarette smokers, but the bottom line is that they’re still harmful to our health. Our latest blog discusses what heated tobacco products are and the common misconceptions about them. The Breakdown of Heated Tobacco  Heated tobacco products (HTPs), also known as heat-not-burn products, are electronic devices that …

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NASH: The Elephant in the Room

NASH: The Elephant in the Room

When liver disease comes to mind, many are more familiar with the types that occur in heavy drinkers of alcohol or from hepatitis C. On the contrary, the most common chronic liver condition in Western populations is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD affects people who drink little to no alcohol, but face the same …

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National Kidney Month

National Kidney Month

Did you know every day, your kidneys filter 200 liters of blood? Most people aren’t aware of how important our kidneys are. That’s in part why National Kidney Month began. Every March, health providers and educators immerse themselves into communities. Their focus is building paths to better kidney care. The Major Functions of the Kidneys …

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Why bunions are so painful

Por qué los juanetes son tan dolorosos

Discomfort is a feeling never far from individuals with bunions. From foot structure to how we walk, multiple factors occur in the years leading up to developing a bunion. By learning how they are formed, we can understand why bunions are so painful. A Disturbance in the Force There’s a start to everything, and with …

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