Understanding Alzheimer’s: A Guide for Brain Awareness Month 2024

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, advocating for the brain’s health, and supporting those affected by these conditions. This month, we delve into what Alzheimer’s is, its impact on individuals and families, and how we can all contribute to raising awareness and …

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You can help your loved one with memory loss.

Helping Your Loved One with Memory Loss

A sense of helplessness is a familiar feeling experienced when memory issues become apparent in our loved ones. On the contrary, taking action and helping your loved ones with memory loss is potentially the greatest gift we could ever give them. Snapshot of Warning Signs for Alzheimer’s Experiencing memory issues in our later years is …

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Recognizing the signs of memory loss

Recognizing the Early Signs of Memory Loss

We all forget things from time to time. Keys, cell phone, wallet, you name it, someone has forgotten it. As we get older, forgetfulness increases, and for the most part, it is normal. Occasional memory issues differ from symptoms of Alzheimer’s or another dementia. Recognizing when to get help in the early signs of memory …

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Memory screens, insight into the unknown, blog

Memory Screens- Insight into the Unknown

In our later years, memory issues are common, leaving even the sharpest senior occasionally forgetful. When these issues happen more often or begin to interfere with daily tasks, it could signal something more. A simple screening tool is available that can determine if symptoms warrant a full evaluation. The screen is quick and is an …

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Why get a memory screen, clinical research, memory and aging

Why Get a Memory Screening?

Though some people are at higher risk, anyone can develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Recent studies show the chances of developing a form of dementia double every five years between the ages of 65 to 90. Since some memory loss is expected with aging, early signs of cognitive decline can go unnoticed. The first step in finding out …

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