Common Myths About Low Testosterone

Testosterone is a sex hormone that in part helps a boy develop manly features. Testosterone is needed to produce sperm and helps in the development of male features like body and facial hair, deeper voice, and muscle strength. Approximately 1 in 4 men over the age of 30 have low testosterone, or Low T. Symptoms include less energy, decreased sex drive, and erectile dysfunction. Low T isn’t a normal part of the aging process. This is one of the countless myths that surround low testosterone and many other medical conditions.

Low Testosterone

Myth: Low T is a Normal Part of Aging

Fact: Testosterone production, like many things, declines as you age. However, it’s doesn’t mean that you have low testosterone. Also, what is a normal level varies per man, and not everyone will need treatment.

Myth: Low T Only Affects a Man’s Sex Drive

Fact: Men with Low T often experience mood swings, depression, fatigue, loss of bone density, muscle mass, and the lack of sex drive.  

Myth: Low T Symptoms Only Impact the Man Affected

Fact: Low T can take a toll on any close relationship. Decreased energy and changes in sexual performance put a strain on a partner too.

Declining testosterone should be a concern for every man. It plays many different roles, including some that are not all sex-related, in males and females. So, if you have symptoms or are concerned about Low T, talk with your doctor. Low T is treatable, and testosterone hormone therapy is the most common treatment, and it is given in a variety of ways.

Participating in clinical research studies is another way to get treatment for your Low T, but also help advance its future management. Sign up today to learn more about upcoming low testosterone studies at Endeavor Clinical Trials.

