Men Get Bunions Too

Women are often more associated with bunions because of the fancy footwear, despite their comfort. Ill-fitting shoes aren’t the only cause, and bunions can be incredibly painful. Men get bunions too, but the reason may surprise you.

Bunion Causes

A bunion is a painful bump that forms on the outside of the big toe. It is a foot deformity that occurs from years of pressure on the big toe joint as it moves towards the second toe. Eventually, the toe joint gets out of alignment, and a bony bump forms.

Bunions may be caused by any factor that forces the toes into an unnatural position. These include :

  • Wearing poorly fitting shoes—in particular, shoes with a narrow, pointed toe box
  • Heredity—some people inherit feet that are more likely to develop bunions due to foot shape, structure, or the way they walk.
  • Having an inflammatory condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can increase your risk of developing bunions.

The reason men have bunions tends to be due to genetics. If you have a family history of them, then it’s likely that you will too. As mentioned above, It’s an inherited pre-disposition relating to the shape of your foot and the way it moves. For example, if you have flat feet, you may tend to roll your foot inwards as you walk or run instead of evenly from heel to toe. The tendons and ligaments around your toe joint have increased pressure. Eventually, it becomes less stable and more likely to form a bunion.

Bunion Prevention and Treatment

Proper-fitting footwear is key to reducing pain and complications for those at increased risk or who already have bunions. You can reduce your risk and even keep an existing bunion from getting worse. In general, you should buy shoes with a wide-toe box and soft soles. Avoid shoes that put pressure on the front of the foot, such as those with high heels and narrow toe areas. Custom-fitted orthotics can help those with flat feet or other structural foot issues prevent or slow the progression of bunions.

Other than footwear changes, medication and steroid injections can help to manage the pain. In severe cases, bunion removal surgery is an option too.

Learn more about a clinical study conducting bunion removal

If you have a bunion, Endeavor Clinical Trials has an upcoming bunion study that may be an option. Qualified participants may receive bunion removal surgery at no cost. To learn more, visit our website, or call us today at (210) 949-0807.



